


0xx xx xx xx - dialling a smaller city, such as Ypres or Mons04xx xx xx xx - dialling a mobile number from a landline or another mobile phone. From outside Belgium, a caller would dial their international call prefix (typically 00 in Europe and 011 in North America), followed by 32 (the country code for Belgium), then the area code minus the trunk code '0', and finally the local number. Dialling from New York to Brussels 011-32-2-555-12-12 - Omitting the leading "0". Dialling from New York to Charleroi 011-32-71-123-456 - The subscriber number shortens with the addition of a number to the area code. Dialling from New York to a mobile number 011-32-4 x x-12-34-56 - The dialler omits the leading "0".


Web Site
Ypres - Codes of Belgium +32 BE - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
Ypres - Codes of Belgium +32 - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
Ypres Belgium
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